CALCUTTA: State Government Consistently has birth and death anniversaries of luminaries at the writers buildings since Trinamool Congress came to power in May. But on Monday, ritual for Paris when installed in the Secretariat for the tribute to the luminaries is empty, although 31 of October marks the death of Indira Gandhi, who is celebrated as Shahid divas.
"I was shocked to learn that on the anniversary of the death not Indiraji observed at writers on Monday. I hope that at least will mark the anniversary of her birth 19 noâbrâ"govorit President of the Congress of Pradip Bhattacharya. Bhattacharya and other Congressional leaders noted day floral tribute at the Congress and other places in the city throughout the day.
State Minister irrigation, Manas Bhuniya said: "I couldn't go to writers on Monday at the expense of my work in the Salt Lake Office. I had my tribute to the great leader in several programs. On information and the Department of Cultural Affairs and the Chief Minister of the programmes are organized for writers. I don't know why nothing was organized for writers. "
Since he became Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, nearly 30 such programmes were carried out at writers since May. In all these cases were brought flowers, portraits were organized (in a short period of time, in many cases) were lit lamps and sing songs. Among the many luminaries paid Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay and Kishore Kumar on their birth anniversaries and Rabindranath Tagore, Nazrul Islam, Pritilata Waddedar, Bagha Jatin, Khudiram Bose on his death anniversary.
But this is not the first time, leaders at the writers embraced disputes for such a programme. Last month, neither the Chief Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers appeared to pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on the anniversary of his birth 2 October. Notwithstanding, Sunday and holidays Puja, the Department of Cultural Affairs organized programmes, but very few are willing to "spoil" their holiday. Health engineering Minister Subrata Mukherjee appeared half an hour later and rescued. He also left a few minutes.
But on Monday, was the complete omission of Indira Gandhi-no picture was placed, did not bring flowers. When asked, awkward member of the Department of culture said that no order to organize such a programme. Asked whether it would mark the anniversary of the birth of Indira Gandhi, it seems that the officials were largely relieved to find that this could be the explanation. "It is better to mark the anniversary of the birth than death anniversaries," said the official. I and CA Secretary of Nandini Chakraborty was unavailable for comment.
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