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Monday 31 October 2011

The Closure Of Schools Due To The Snowstorm: A Very Happy Halloween!

Before to send their children to school today, you might want to make sure that the school is open, especially if you live in the North-East. Massive snowstorm could make for a happy Halloween really for kids, struggling day snow.

Several schools in the north-eastern part of the United States closed for snow day after record snowstorm hit the region at the weekend Halloween. Is reported as one of the early and heavy snow falls in October at least in the past century. And one of the first days of snow school history.

The storm reportedly dumped as 30 inches in some areas, have left more than six million without electricity, but the associated press reports that the number of missed approximately 3 million today. The storm claimed to have resulted in the deaths of at least eight people.

Massachusetts was the worst case, the query governor to issue a State of emergency. Were also slammed part of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

The Epoch Times reported "several public schools in the area of Portland and East Hampton, Connecticut was reported closed to all on Monday. Worcester Telegraph reported that several parts of the schools in the area of Worcester, Massachusetts, were closed to all, and Monday. Today also closed a large number of schools in the northern part of New Jersey (especially in the counties of Essex and Morris) and dozens of schools in New York.

 Call ahead or access the site in your school or local news site, make sure that the class is in session today.


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